Legal Matters

Divorce, Bankruptcy, Law Suits

AAN provides appraisal evaluations to be used for divorce settlements, judgments, and law suits, to determine current market values for any automobile, motorcycle, or RV.


Valuing and/or liquidating the estate of a loved one can be burdening during a difficult time of your life. AAN provides appraisals to determine current market values of any automobile, motorcycle, recreational vehicle (RV), or classic/collectible automobile. The appraisals can be used to determine values for resale, tax purposes, and/or estate values.

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Schedule of Fees

Field Appraisals*
Insurance*, Financing, Resale, & Litigation $299.00
Diminished Value $399.00
Pre-Purchase Inspections $349.00
Un-Recovered Theft $349.00 -
*Located within the greater Las Vegas area *Additional $50.00 for appraisal clause.

Appraisal Evaluations by photo’s also available.

Court Depositions & Expert Witness Fees available upon request.